All For The Sake Of The Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:19-27) Brother Pradip 24/25 Oct 2020 ================================ Two Takeaways: 1. All things to all men (people) 2. All for the sake of the gospel Two Gospel Outcomes (what gospel does) * Gospel ________ (win) – reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ * Gospel ________ – shapes/transforms the proclaimer Gospel Shapes * I am free * I have made myself a servant * I became * I have become All Things to All men Reflection * What would it mean for us to say, “I do all things for the sake of the gospel?” * How do we respond to the needs around us – locally and globally? All Things for the Sake of the Gospel * A Gospel-centered (Jesus-centered) life serves and _________ people. * The Gospel shapes and transforms the _____________. Ultimately, everything we do must be done for the sake of the gospel. It must lead someone closer to Christ. And that’s what makes us DUMC!