Pentecost: A Mighty Visitation from Heaven (Acts 2:17-21) Pr Dato' Dr Daniel Ho 30/31 May 2020 ============== Prophetic occasion (Acts 1:4, 5) * That occasion will be so unusual and radical that these disciples will never be the same again * It is to do with the coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) * But they are to wait for 10 days before the visitation of the Holy Spirit * I believe God is preparing us for something amazing to come Pentecost outpouring (Acts 2:1-4) * Holy Spirit was poured out and the believers spoke in tongues (Acts 2:5, 6) * Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit Peter preached with incredible power (Acts 2:37-41) Pentecost outcome (Acts 4) Amazing revival broke out This is marked by: * Great unity (Acts 4:32a) * Great sharing (Acts 4:32b) * Great power (Acts 4:33a) * Much grace (Acts 4:33b) * Great increase (Acts 6:7; Acts 8:4) * Great joy (Acts 8:8) Questions for discussion ======================== 1. What difference has the Holy Spirit made in your life and why is it that we all need to be filled with more of the Holy Spirit? Empowered by the Holy Spirit, share one person you would like to reach out to share Jesus and prayerfully lead him/her to the Lord this year and see that person being discipled in the fellowship of believers. 2. The outcome of Pentecost produces revival which is marked by great unity, great sharing, great power, much grace, great increase and great joy. Are there some of these marks you see in our church presently and what part can we play to witness more of it in the future?